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The Security Officer

Thanks for your question:

How do you make the guards feel concerned?

This is indeed a question or a judgment that comes up often and which generally generate the same answers:

The training, even if provided beforehand and leads to a diploma, is suitable for training and adjusting on-site in natural conditions. But this often requires a security professional capable of training and establishing missions.

The working conditions offered in terms of clarity of missions, equipment, materials, hierarchy and benefits are strong vectors of motivation.

And finally, the internal atmosphere with regard to the integration of the team is an important concept.

The most important thing is to understand that we cannot always win, which leads to conceive and not to base everything on hope, and to work as much as we can with what we have and not what we would like to have. Let’s explain this philosophy.

Indeed, protecting a site is based on finding our weaknesses. Once known, we will develop the best possible response adapted to the threat.

Our duty is to stop or at least slow down the impact of the attack. A security professional never talks about banning an intrusion, he always mentions slowing the intrusion.

We must then, save the time. The more we can prepare to react or alert. We must therefore find all the means to keep one step ahead of the event. This also allows us to have more possibilities to train, motivate and control ...

Knowing how you operate, having audited your site, you know the timing of actions. This allows you to organize break times and training times. The breaks will be appreciated, and the trainings strengthen the links. From then on, you become righteous, and the guards are part of a family.

Protection cannot be a copy/paste from a site to another. It is necessary to understand its functioning to distinguish the imperatives and the generators of weaknesses. Establish a settlement to define authorizations and prohibitions. Build a structure (perimeter, and access) fit to slowing down intrusions. Evaluate the means to be implemented to limit errors and never waste time. Define a framework for action by security personnel. And finally, estimate the skills required for these personnel. Then will come the security gradation strategy and the crisis management plan.

All has to be in accordance with the rest. The intruder is detected, the alarm is activated, the alert warns the guard and the guard takes action. Without this rules / resources / people synergy, nothing works and disorder sets in. A guard who feels good will give you the best.

SDS always starts with an audit which is free. The result is that our guards are loyal and motivated.

In security, more than anywhere else, united we stand, divided we fall. We can add, and synergy is the glue of the union

Dear follower, thank you for your interest in our page and your concern about security. The world is uncertain and better to plan than care, especially in schools …

Hope this article will answer and help you to plan …

Stay safe.

SDS Team



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